Hello, When your Exadata database servers cannot be turned on from the operating system you can turn on it using the diagnostic iso image. Copy the diag.iso from any database server or storage cell to your desktop machine, for example to Downloads Folder. The diagnostic ISO image is available on all Exadata database servers and storage cells as /opt/oracle.SupportTools/diagnostics.iso, which is actually a link to the diag.iso Let’s do it together:
    1. Copy the diag.iso from any database server or storage cell to your desktop machine, for example to Downloads Folder. The diagnostic ISO image is available on all Exadata database servers and storage cells as /opt/oracle.SupportTools/diagnostics.iso, which is actually a link to the diag.iso
    1. Set up the server to boot from the diagnostic ISO image. Log in as root to the web based ILOM console for the server, i.e. enter <server name>-ilom in the web browser address field, and provide the root username and password in the login dialog box.
3. From the main ILOM menu click through to [Remote Control] -> [Redirection] -> [Launch Remote Console]. That should launch the Remote Console, a new window captioned [Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager Remote Console], that provides access to the server’s video console (tty1).
4. From the Remote Console main menu, select [KVMS] -> [Storage…]. That should prompt for a file to open. Locate the diag.iso (e.g. in your Downloads folder), select it and click [Open]. This attaches the diag.iso as the virtual CD-ROM image, that will be used to boot the server up.
    • Select KVMS to display the KVMS drop-down menu.
    • Select Storage. The Storage Devices dialog appears.
In the Storage Devices dialog, select Add. The Add Storage Device dialog appears. Browse to the ISO image, select it, and click Select. The Storage Devices screen appears and lists the ISO image.
Select the ISO image and click Connect. The ISO image is mounted to the remote console and can be used to perform the OS installation.
Click OK to dismiss the Storage Devices dialog.
5. Use a terminal emulator software (putty) from your desktop and login to <server>-ilom as root. Alternatively, ssh from any server on your network to <server>-ilom. Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager Version r86871 Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. –> 6. Set the next boot device to “CDROM”. Run: -> set /HOST boot_device=cdrom 7.Reboot the server, so as to boot from the diag.iso. Run from the ILOM prompt: -> reset -force /SYS
8.Shortly after, start the serial (ttyS0) /SP/console. Run: -> start /SP/console Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y That should show the following message: Serial console started. To stop, type ESC (
9.The server should be booting from the diag.iso. The reboot messages will be seen in both the Remote Console and the putty/ssh session. On both the Remote Console window and the putty/ssh session window you will see the server going through  BIOS POST, then the kernel boot messages. The console which does not display the prompt may give the false impression that the boot sequence has hung, so both consoles should be checked for the below prompt: EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. [date/time]  The current installation has version [Exadata image version] [date/time]  Choose from the following by typing letter in '()': [date/time]    (e)nter interactive diagnostics shell. [date/time]      Use diagnostics shell password to login as root user [date/time]      (reboot or power cycle to exit the shell), [date/time]    (r)estore system from NFS backup archive, Select: Please type ‘e‘ to enter the interactive diagnostics shell. 10. Log in as root with the password obtained from Exadata Support Team. This password is usually as below. user: root password: sos1exadata 11. Once logged in, enter the chroot environment like this: cd /mnt/cell mount -t proc proc proc/ mount -t sysfs sys sys/ mount -o bind /dev dev/ chroot /mnt/cell 12. If access to /boot is also required, the filesystem may be mounted even from inside the chroot, once above mounts have been set up. For DB nodes, run the following from inside the chroot to mount the /boot filesystem: mount /dev/sda1 /boot For storage cells, run instead: mount /dev/md4 /boot At this point you can attempt to correct the problem that prevents the server from the normal boot. For example, to revert back a Linux kernel parameter value, you can edit /etc/sysctl.conf file and save the changes. After correction, reboot the server, in the putty/ssh session window, type exit, followed by reboot as below. exit reboot
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