In this blog post, I want to share the required steps for Startup, Shut Down, Reset, or Power Cycle the Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Engineered System.
Notify affected users that the server will be shut down.
Log into one of the nodes as an MCMU administrator such as mcinstall
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu status -G -k
List a Summary of All DB VM Groups
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu tenant -G -l
Stop the DB grid infrastructure
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -G -n VMgroupname
Here, where VMgroupname is the name of the DB VM group. You can learn with “mcmu tenant -G -l”
Stop the GI in the kernel zones on node1 and node2.
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -G -k node1
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -G -k node2
Re-check Workgroup status
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu status -G -k
Shut down all the zones in VM group dpwyadm
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -V -n dpwyadm
Check running status
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % zoneadm list -civ
If there are “running” state then stop the kernel zones.
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -Z -k node1
[INFO ] Log file path : dpwadm-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/mcmu_121818_131505.log
[INFO ] Check if initial setup complete
[INFO ] Checking if nodes are in sync
Do you want to shut down zone acfskz? [yes/no] (no): yes
[INFO ] Zone acfskz has been shut down
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -Z -k node2
[INFO ] Log file path : dpwadm-n1:/var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/mcmu_121818_131716.log
[INFO ] Check if initial setup complete
[INFO ] Checking if nodes are in sync
Do you want to shut down zone acfskz? [yes/no] (no): yes
[INFO ] Zone acfskz has been shut down
OR You want to shut down the whole system with one command.
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -S
Shutdown one node:
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -N node1
mcinstall@dpwadm-n1:/var/home/mcinstall % mcmu stop -N node2
For a full power down, perform the remaining steps. Now, you can stop ILOMs. Oracle ILOM CLI – In a terminal window, enter:
Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version r124557
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Warning: HTTPS certificate is set to factory default.
Hostname: dpwadm-n1-ilom
-> stop /System/
Are you sure you want to stop /System (y/n)? y
Stopping /System
For Starting the whole system, Log in to ILOMs
Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version r124557
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Warning: HTTPS certificate is set to factory default.
Hostname: dpwadm-n1-ilom
-> start /System
Check System
-> show /System/
Open_Problems (0)
health = OK
health_details = –
open_problems_count = 0
type = Rack Mount
model = MiniCluster S7-2
qpart_id = XXXXXXXX
part_number = MiniCluster S7-2
serial_number = XXXXXXXXXX
component_model = SPARC S7-2
component_part_number = XXXXXXX
component_serial_number = XXXXXXXX
system_identifier = Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 XXXXXXXXXX
system_fw_version = Sun System Firmware 9.8.5.c 2018/05/03 17:22
primary_operating_system = Oracle Solaris 11.3 SPARC
primary_operating_system_detail = –
host_primary_mac_address = 00:10:e0:c0:bf:30
ilom_address =
ilom_mac_address = 00:10:E0:C0:BF:39
locator_indicator = Off
power_state = Off
actual_power_consumption = 471 watts
action = (Cannot show property)Commands:
Also please check for faults.
Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Version r124557
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Warning: HTTPS certificate is set to factory default.
Hostname: dpwadm-n1-ilom
-> start /SP/faultmgmt/shell/
Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? yfaultmgmtsp>
faultmgmtsp> fmadm faulty
No faults found
faultmgmtsp> exit
Now, log into one of the nodes as an MCMU administrator such as mcinstall and check the system
zoneadm list -civ
mcmu status -G -k